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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Id - Ego - Superego

First ill give short definition of my understanding for Id, Ego, Superego.

Id - Our basic human instinct. It is the part of us that wants instant gratification.  It is the reason why babies will cry  until there human instincts are satisfied.

Ego - This facet starts developing at a stage when we become more aware of our surroundings and what may or may not be appropriate social behavior for any given situation.  Let's say if the baby that is crying to be fed was able to comprehend that its caregiver is going about preparing their food they might understand to stop crying. Same as an adult who makes a request understands that asking incessantly wont make it happen any faster so the socially acceptable thing would be to ask once and wait so as not to come across as ungrateful.  The ego decision is based on what others will think.

Superego - This facet develops last, it is based on the life lessons we have had up until that point.  These life lessons teaches us what is right and wrong, giving us our moral compass.  We apply our moral compass to assist us in making decisions that wont upset our said moral compass.  Superego and ego may both come to the same conclusion based on their own thought process.

I think we are all born functioning as just our Id.  As we go through life, growing, maturing, learning life lessons we develop our Ego and the Superego. Once we are a grown adults, I agree with Sigmund Freud.  He contends that Id, Ego, Superego all exist in each of us both serving their individual roles and coming together as an individual's personality.


 Say you're on a diet and there's a piece of luscious chocolate cake on the counter. The ID says, "go ahead, it's just one piece! Enjoy it!" while the SUPEREGO says, "You know you don't really want to. It would reverse all the good work you've done so far and you'd feel incredibly guilty if you ate it." Then the EGO is left to sort it out, determine logically how important it is to you to stay on your diet vs. the piece of cake.

The EGO is basically the "mediator" between your id and superego, trying to sort out what each is advocating and more objectively and logically arrive at a decision. All three can work in tandem at times when there is a disagreement or someone hasn't developed the latter 2 it can lead to person being tense and suffering from anxiety.

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